Three important projects underway!

The LRF Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR) has embarked on three new research projects. Two are in our focus areas of Health and Food Safety, and the other in Environment and Climate. Health and Food Safety The two projects will contribute to COVID-19-related research. The first, led by Dr Vincent Pang, Assistant […]

Optigram 2021: Climate Change in Asia

People perceive risk intuitively all the time. These perceptions are influenced by factors such as personal experience, concerns and understanding of the topic. More often than not, our risk perceptions may not be aligned with the probabilities of the actual risk, and thus could lead to poor decisions. Optigram is a data visualisation competition aimed at […]

IPUR jointly hosts Risk Quotient 2019 in Beijing

The second edition of IPUR’s annual conference, The Risk Quotient 2019, was held on 20 October 2019 at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. The conference was jointly organised by IPUR, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (NUS), School of Public Policy & Management (Tsinghua University), as well as the Centre for Social Risk Assessment […]

Stepping up the public understanding of risk

As the world becomes less predictable, we need a better understanding of the perils ahead in order to be more prepared. Aiming to further their mission to better communicate and improve the public understanding of risk, Lloyd’s Register Foundation Institute for Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR) has established partnerships and collaborations with global analytics and […]

Executive Education Programme 2019: Understanding and Communicating Risks

People face risks in their everyday lives. We make decisions that can have an impact on their safety and security, health, finances, well-being, and the environment. But often, our decisions are based less on empirical evidence and objective probabilities, and more on our gut feelings, emotions, and biases. For instance, we are vulnerable to framing […]

The Risk Quotient 2018

IPUR partnered with the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Public Policy and Policy Alternatives Research Institute to organise the Risk Quotient 2018. The two-day conference, which took place on 25 and 26 October 2018 at the University of Tokyo, saw more than 100 attendees and international speakers from China, France, Isreal, Japan, Singapore, United […]

I See You: Is our data safe, and are we safe from our data?

Vast amounts of data are being collected for Singapore to run as a Smart Nation. Cybersecurity is the first priority. But also crucial are the ethics surrounding how the data is used. The Business Times published an article on Singapore’s Smart Nation journey and showcased IPUR as one of the different entities and parties contributing to […]

Optigram 2018: Student Data Visualisation Competition

Evidence and data is crucial for risk communication, but it can come across as intimidating or even boring. IPUR organised an inaugural student data visualisation competition – Optigram, where youths were invited to share their ideas on how to visualise scientific data to communicate risks, patterns and trends. The top prize of S$1,000 was awarded to […]

Effective Communications: A Behavioural Research Approach

People face daily decisions about their health, finances, and environmental footprint. Well-meaning medical doctors, financial advisors, climate scientists and other experts may attempt to develop communications aimed at improving people’s judgments and decisions about specific topics. Such communication efforts may fail due to experts lacking insights about the wants and needs of their audience. Professor […]