Three important projects underway!

12 June 2020

The LRF Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR) has embarked on three new research projects. Two are in our focus areas of Health and Food Safety, and the other in Environment and Climate.

Health and Food Safety

The two projects will contribute to COVID-19-related research. The first, led by Dr Vincent Pang, Assistant Professor at the Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research, will assess the impact of risk perception on precautionary behaviours towards COVID-19 among health care workers and the general population in Singapore and globally. Through the project, the research team hopes to understand the difference between health care workers and the general population’s current practices and self-efficacy towards preventive measures, as well as their perceived response efficacy levels towards government measures.

The second aims to model the spread of infectious disease in public transport systems and enable contact tracing for travellers, and thus investigate potential strategies for disease control and management. Led by Assistant Professor Raymond Goh from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department from the National University of Singapore (NUS), the project will focus on identifying human mobility and travel patterns in public transport systems with the smart card data. With this data, the team will also look to reconstruct travel paths of commuters for contact tracing.

Environment and Climate

The last project led by Assistant Professor Goh Yang Miang, Director of the Centre for Project and Facilities Management at NUS, will look at the impacts of climate change on health and safety risks in the facilities management sector in Singapore. The objective of the project is to develop a methodology for identifying climate-related risks on workplaces which can be applied to the rest of the construction industry and across sectors in Singapore and other tropical cities.

To read more about the work and projects by IPUR, click here.