


Our Work



"Understanding and Communicating Risk” Online Course.

This course provides an introduction to how people perceive and understand risks in their everyday lives and how to communicate risk information to help people make better decisions. Taught by an experienced team from IPUR, supplemented by interviews with leading international experts in the field, the course is designed to be accessible to professionals, practitioners, researchers and tertiary students involved or interested in risk communication.
Since 2017, IPUR has jointly organised two runs of the Executive Education Programme “Understanding and communicating risks: Facts, fears and fallacies” with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Targeted at executives and practitioners in the public, private, media and non-profit sectors, this programme is specially designed to equip them with tools to effectively communicate risk to stakeholders in their respective fields.
The programme is especially relevant to those working in the areas of health, food and product safety, environmental risks, finance, infocomm technology, as well as safety and security. Policy analysts who have to develop or implement policies to help citizens manage risks will also find this programme useful.
With IPUR’s commitment to maximise impact in wider Asia, the Institute also awards fellowships to fund participants from developing countries.