Optigram 2021: Climate Change in Asia

2 January 2020

People perceive risk intuitively all the time. These perceptions are influenced by factors such as personal experience, concerns and understanding of the topic. More often than not, our risk perceptions may not be aligned with the probabilities of the actual risk, and thus could lead to poor decisions.

Optigram is a data visualisation competition aimed at developing creative ways to communicate data and information on risk effectively. We believe that when people are curious about the evidence and data presented, the gap between perceived risks and actual risks (i.e. facts vs fears) can be narrowed and better decisions will be made.

This competition invites youth (aged 15 to 35 years old) from all over the world to submit proposals for a digital media product (e.g. artwork, videos, website) which visualises scientific data creatively to communicate risks, patterns and trends (e.g. how risk perceptions emerge and evolve). Through the creative use of digital media technology to illustrate scientific data, we aim to engage the audience meaningfully and help them understand their risk perceptions and risk management options. 

The winners will have the opportunity to turn their proposals into a digital product of their choice depicting the data sourcing and risk communication process. The final product will be showcased via IPUR’s outreach channels to bring about societal impact.

The top five submissions will receive cash prizes (Singapore Dollar SGD). In addition, members from the winning teams who are based in Singapore will be offered a two-month internship at IPUR.

1st prize: $1000

2nd prize: $500

3rd prize: $500

4th prize: $500

5th prize: $500

2021: Climate Change in Asia

The theme for Optigram 2021 is Climate Change in Asia. Participants can present on any climate issues such as rising sea levels, heatwaves, floods or even carbon emission levels, as long as the data sets come from credible sources. Participants can use single or multiple data sets, and are required to cite the sources used in the proposals. 

Submission Period: The submission for this competition has closed.