Elmie Nekmat

Elmie Nekmat

Branch Chair of Sengkang Group Representation Constituency,


Dr Nekmat was Associate Professor and Deputy Head at the Department of Communications and New Media. He was concurrently a Principal Investigator for the Center for Trusted Internet and Community (CTIC) and Research Associate at the Center for Family and Population Research (CFPR) in NUS. He was a recipient of the NUS Overseas Graduate Scholarship (NUS-OGS) for his Ph.D. studies in communication and information sciences (2013) and the NUS Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship (NUS-OPF) for his postdoctoral research on digital communication and evaluation at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2014).

published papers


Nekmat. E., Co-Editor (forthcoming). Special Issue on Digital Citizenship in Asia. International Communication Gazette (with Audrey Yue and Annisa Beta)


Nekmat, E., Tan, M. Y., & Pham, B. (forthcoming). Engaging in Collapsed Contexts: Opinion expression strategies on social media by young adults in Singapore. Special Issue: International Communication Gazette.

Jung, E. H., Zhang, L., & Nekmat. E. (2020). SNS Usage and Third-person Effects in the Risk Perception of Zika Virus among women in Singapore. Journal of Health Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10810730.2020.1840676

Zhang, X., Nekmat, E., & Chen, A. (2020). Crisis Collective Memory Making on Social Media: A case study of three Chinese crises on Weibo. Public Relations Review, 46(4). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2020.101960

Nekmat, E. (2020). Nudge Effect of Fact-Check Alerts: Source influence and media skepticism on sharing of news misinformation in social media. Social Media + Society, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305119897322

Nekmat, E. & Kong, D. (2019). Effects of online rumors on attribution of crisis responsibility and attitude toward organization during crisis uncertainty. Journal of Public Relations Research, 31(5-6), 133-151. https://doi.org/10.1080/1062726X.2019.1644644

Nekmat, E. (2019). Polls Versus Commenters: Effects of cross-cutting opinion climates on cross-platform opinion expression. International Journal of Communication, 13, 21. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/11345

Ordoñez, M. A., & Nekmat, E. (2019). “Tipping Point” in the SoS? Minority-supportive opinion climate proportion and perceived hostility in uncivil online discussion. New Media & Society, 21(11), 2483-2504. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444819851056

Yue, A., Nekmat, E., & Beta, A. R. (2019). Digital Literacy through Digital Citizenship: Online civic participation and public opinion evaluation of youth minorities in Southeast Asia. Media and Communication, 7(2), 100-114. http://dx.doi.org/10.17645/mac.v7i2.1899

Nekmat, E., & Ng, H. W. (2019). Source Effects and Cause Involvement in Prosocial Online Crowdfunding: A collective action perspective. First Monday, 24(3). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v24i3.9598

Yue, A., Nekmat, E., Beta, A. R., Kwok, Y.C. (2019). “亚洲青年的数字公民权——从数字行动到数字素养,” (“Youth Digital Citizenship in Asia: From Activism to Literacy”) trans. Hao Yuman, 《热风学术网刊》 no. 14 , 20-32. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yuAaVgL9739WOJ60N_ARqw [non-refereed]

Dhanesh, G., & Nekmat, E. (2019). Facts over Stories for Involved Publics: Framing effects in CSR messaging and the roles of issue involvement, message elaboration, affect, and skepticism. Management Communication Quarterly, 33(1), 7-38. https://doi.org/10.1177/0893318918793941

Basnyat, I., Nekmat, E., Jiang, S., & Lin, J. (2018). Applying the modified comprehensive model of information seeking to online health information seeking in the context of India. Journal of Health Communication. 23(6), 563-572. https://doi.org/10.1080/10810730.2018.1493058

Nekmat, E. & Lee, K. (2018). Prosocial vs. Trolling Community on Facebook: A comparative study of individual-group communicative behaviors. International Journal of Communication, 12, 1-22. http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/6112

Zheng, Y., Wei, R., & Nekmat, E. (2016). Asian Mobile Communication Research: Current status, enduring issues and future trends. Asian Journal of Communication, 26(6), 532-547. https://doi.org/10.1080/01292986.2016.1227996

Nekmat, E., Gower, K., Zhou, S., & Metzger, M. (2019, online first 2015). Connective-Collective Action on Social Media: Moderated mediation of cognitive elaboration and perceived source credibility on personalness of source. Communication Research, 42, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093650215609676

Metzger, M., Flanagin, A., & Nekmat, E. (2015). Comparative optimism in online credibility evaluation among parents and children. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 59(3), 509-529. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2015.1054995

Ki, E.-J. & Nekmat, E. (2015). Decomposing impression from attitude in organization-public relationship management outcomes. Journal of Promotion Management, 21(6), 685-702. https://doi.org/10.1080/10496491.2015.1055045

Nekmat, E., Gower, K., Gonzenbach, W, & Flanagin, A. (2015). Source effects in the micro-mobilization of collective action via social media. Information, Communication, and Society, 18(9), 1076-1091. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2015.1018301

Silverman, D., Gower, K., & Nekmat, E. (2014). Assessing the state of public relatins ethics education. Public Relations Journal, 8(4). http://www.prsa.org/Intelligence/PRJournal/Vol8/No4/

Nekmat, E., Gower, K., & Ye, L. (2014). Status of Image Management Research in Public Relations: A cross-discipline content analysis of studies published between 1991 and 2011. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 8(4), 276-293. https://doi.org/10.1080/1553118X.2014.907575

Ki, E.-J. & Nekmat, E. (2014). Situational Crisis Communication and Interactivity: Usage and effectiveness of Facebook for crisis management. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 140-147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2014.02.039

Nekmat, E. & Gonzenbach, W. (2013). Multiple Opinion Climates in Online Forums: Role of website source reference and within-forum opinion congruency. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 90(4), 736-756. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077699013503162

Nekmat, E. & Gower, K. (2012). Effects of Disclosure and Message Valence in Online Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) Communication: Implications for integrated marketing communication. International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, 4(1), 85-98. http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=1943-3735

Nekmat, E. (2012). Message expression effects in online social communication. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 56(2). 203-224. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2012.678513

Nekmat, E. (2010). Internet Literacy: A preliminary study on the influence of contextual and informal knowledge on Singaporean youths' evaluation of online information. YouthSCOPE: Journal of Youth Studies by National Youth Council, 4(1), 63-77. [non-refereed]

Lim, S. S. & Nekmat, E. (2008). Learning through Prosuming: Insights from media literacy programs in Asia. Science, Technology, and Society, 13(2), 259-278. https://doi.org/10.1177/097172180801300205


Zheng, Y., Wei, R., & Nekmat, E. (2018). Asian Mobile Communication Research. In R. Wei (Ed.), The State of Asian Communication Research and Directions for the 21st Century (pp. 46-61). London, UK: Routledge.

Goh, D., Nekmat, E., Pang, N., & Zhang, W., & Soon, C. (2017). Transforming Communicative Power through Evolving Communication, Technologies, Public Opinion and Electorate. In C. George (Ed.), Communicating With Power: International Communication Association Theme Book Series (pp. 157-176). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Lim, S. S., Nekmat, E., & Vadrevu, S. (2011). Singapore’s experience in fostering youth media production: the implications of state-led schools and public education initiatives. In J. Fisherkeller, (Ed.),International Perspectives on Youth Media: Cultures of Production & Education. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Lim, S. S., Nekmat, E., & Nahar, S. (2009). The implications of Multimodality for Media Literacy. In K. L. O'Halloran, (Ed.). Multimodal Representation, Knowledge and Technology: Routledge Studies in Multimodality Book Series, London: Routledge.

Lim, S. S. & Nekmat, E. (2009) Media Education in Singapore – New Media, New Literacies? In C. K. Cheung (Ed.) Media Education in Asia, Netherlands: Springer.


Nekmat, E. & Yue, A. (2020, May 1). How to fight the COVID-19 Infodemic: Lessons from 3 Asian countries. Special Research Report for the World Economic Forum, Global Agenda Forum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/how-to-fight-the-covid-19-infodemic-lessons-from-3-asian-countries/

Silverman, D., Gower, K., & Nekmat, E. (2012). Assessing the state of Public Relations Ethics Education. Proceedings for the International Conference of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), San Francisco, CA, October 13-16, 2012.

Nekmat, E., Zheng, L., & Phelps, J. (2012). Refining the informational scale for over-the-counter (OTC) drug commercial. Proceedings for the Annual meeting of the American Academy of Advertising (AAA), Myrtle Beach, SC, March 15-18, 2012.

Ye, L., Berger, B., & Nekmat, E. (2012). A test of the Excellent Leadership Model in crisis management: An examination of BP oil spill in 2010. Proceedings for the 15th Annual International Public Relations Conference (IPRRC), Miami, FL, March 8-10, 2012.

Kang, P.S., Nekmat, E., Heath, D., & Keong, T.W. (2009). Embracing ICT and New Media to foster ASEAN spirit, promote and enhance understanding of ASEAN amongst youths. Proceedings from ASEAN seminar on usage of ICT to promote ASEAN spirit amongst Youths, Bangkok, Thailand, March 14-17, 2009.

Nekmat, E. (2008). The motivations and gratifications of online soccer betting amongst Singaporean Youths. A refereed white paper series for Communications and New Media Department, National University of Singapore, 2(1).


Nekmat, E. (2020). Framing the Nation’s Battle against the COVID-19 Infodemic in China, South Korea, and Singapore. Paper presented at Keynote Session on Technology Policies and Data Governance in Time of Crisis, Annual Conference for the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), 12-17 July 2020.

Nekmat, E., Ordonez, M., Ismail, I., & Jung, E.H. (2020). Spiral of Silence Pathways Linking Perceived Social Capital and Individual Expression on Social Media. Paper presented at 70th International Communication Association (ICA), Virtual Conference, May 20-26, 2020. *Top Faculty Paper Award, Mass Communication Division.

Jung, E.H., Zhang, L., & Nekmat, E. (2020). SNS Usage and Third-person Effects in the Risk Perception of Zika Virus among Singaporean Women. Paper presented at 70th International Communication Association (ICA), Virtual Conference, May 20-26, 2020.

Nekmat, E. & Harif, I., (2018). Issue-Based Micromobilization via Call-to-Action Message: Path analysis model linking issue involvement to expressive action in social media. Paper presented at 101thAnnual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C., August 6-9, 2018. *Gene Burd Top Three Faculty Paper Award, Communication Technology Division.

Nekmat, E. & Lee, K. (2017). Prosocial vs. Trolling Communities on Facebook: An information exchange, message interactivity, and participant agreement study of individual-group behaviors. Paper presented at 67th Annual Conference for the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, CA, May, 25-29, 2017.

Nekmat, E. (2017). Multiple Publics and Opinion Climates across Social Media Platforms. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA) Preconference on Varieties of Publics and Counterpublics, May 25, 2017.

Dhanesh, G. & Nekmat, E. (2017). Framing CSR messages for involved publics: The cognitive mediation and bi-moderation of affect on attitude and behavioral intent. Paper presented at 67th Annual Conference for the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, CA, May, 25-29, 2017.

Ng, H. W., & Nekmat, E. (2016). Source Effects and Personal Cause Involvement in Online Charitable Crowdfunding.Paper presented at the International Conference on Communication and Media (i-COME’16): An ICA Regional Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September18-20.

Nekmat, E. (2016). Multiple Opinion Climate Indicators and Voting Patterns: Personal Opinion v. General Society v. Open-Group Social Media v. Closed-Group Social Media. Poster presented at the 66th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13.

Metzger, M. J., Flanagin, A. J., & Nekmat, E. (2014). Optimistic biases in online credibility evaluation among parents and children. Paper presented at the 64th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Seattle, WA, May 22-26.

Ki, E.-J. & Nekmat, E. (2013). Decomposing impression from attitude in relationship management: Linkages between perceived relational quality, impression, and attitude on behavioral intention. Paper presented at the Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, Washington, D.C., August 8-11.

Nekmat, E. (2012). Social Campaign in Social Media: Different messages for different people and the role of perceived homophily. Paper presented at the 13th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL, September 30-October 3. *Conference Grant Scholarship Award.

Nekmat, E, Gower, K., & Ye, L. (2012). Locating Image Management in Public Relations research: A content analysis of image-related studies published in the last two decades, 1991-2011. Paper presented at the 100th Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, Chicago, IL, August 9-12. *Top Three Paper (open category), Public Relations Division.

Ki, E.-J. & Nekmat, E. (2012). Usage and effectiveness of Facebook for organizational crisis management. Paper presented at the 100th Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, Chicago, IL, August 9-12.

Nekmat, E. & Gonzenbach, W. (2012). Multiple opinion climates in online forums: Role of website source reference and within-forum opinion congruency. Paper presented at the 100th Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, Chicago, IL, August 9-12. *Top Two Faculty Paper, Communication Theory and Methodology Division.

Lim, S. S., Nekmat, E., & Vadrevu, S. (2012). Media production for the community – top down or bottom up? Paper presented at the 62nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Phoenix, AZ, May 24-28.

Nekmat, E. & Gower, K. (2012). Disclosure in online word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication: What does it mean for public relations? Paper presented at the 62nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Phoenix, AZ, May 24-28. *Top Student Papers, Public Relations Division.

Nekmat, E., Watkins, B., & Zhou, S. (2012). Why some people just refuse to post comments on Facebook: A retrospective think-aloud investigation. Poster presented at the 57th Annual Broadcast Education Association Conference (BEA), Las Vegas, NV, April 15-18. *Top Student Research-In-Progress Award.

Nekmat, E. (2012). Bi-directional effects of message consumption and expression in online social communication. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Midwinter Conference, Norman, OK, March 2-3.

Nekmat, E. & Gonzenbach, W. (2012). Drowning of minority opinions in website-based forums: A Spiral of Silence perspective. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Midwinter Conference, Norman, OK, March 2-3. *Top Paper, Communication Technology Division.


Nekmat, E. (2020). “Lessons on Crisis Communications in the Internet Age.” Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) Public Diplomacy Training-Webinar. June 24, 2020.

Nekmat, E. (2020). “What Social Media Research Tells Us about Student Engagement for Learning.” Seminar on Harnessing Technology, Enhancing Learning, Malay Language Centre of Singapore, Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore. March 17, 2020.

Nekmat, E. (2019). “Social Media: Impact on Singapore Society.” Greater Good Series Seminar, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), Development Office (DVO), National University of Singapore. November 6, 2019.

Nekmat, E. (2019). “Navigating Social Media for Student Learning.” 2019 Ministry of Education (MOE) Teachers Forum, Berita Harian, Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore. October 29, 2019.

Nekmat, E. (2018). “Opinion Climate Formation on Social Media among Youths in Singapore.” Digital Citizenship in Asia Seminar, Cultural Research Centre, Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore, Asian Cultural Research Network, School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne, Australia, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. October 12, 2018.

Nekmat, E. (2018). "Social Psychology of Misinformation in Social Media." Singapore Institute of Management-Global Education, Professional Competency Development Series, Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore, March 2018.

Nekmat, E. (2017). “Social Psychology of Social Media.” POLARIS, Tampines Junior College Talent Development Program. Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, November 27, 2017.

Nekmat, E. (2017). “Fake News: The Message and Medium matter.” Fake News and the Information Ecosystem: What should be done? Institute of Policy Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, July 11, 2017.

Nekmat, E. (2017). “Strategic Communication for Non-Profit Organizations.” Board Retreat, Pertapis, Singapore. Sentosa, Singapore, February 4, 2017.

Nekmat, E. (2016). “Social Media: A new dilemma.” The Conversation Series by Singapore Malay Youth Literary Association (4PM), August 5, 2016.

Nekmat, E. (2016). “Multiple Opinion Climate Indicators in GE2015.” Symposium on Media and Internet Use, Singapore General Election 2015. Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore. Singapore, January 27, 2016.

Singapore delegation to Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) seminar - Embracing ICT and new media to foster ASEAN spirit, promote and enhance understanding of ASEAN amongst youths, Bangkok, Thailand, March 14-17, 2009.

Nekmat, E. (2009). "Knowledge structures in youths’ internet literacy." Annual Malaysia-Singapore Forum for Communications and Challenges in the new century, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 7-9.

Nekmat, E. "In aid of literacy: What or who do youths turn to when checking online information." Department research talks, Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore, August 26, 2009.


“Fake news mind traps” (2017, September 22). The Straits Times.

“Silver lining in the battle against fake news” (2017, November 2). The Straits Times.

“Asia’s fight against fake news” (2017, October 29). Inquirer.net.

“New Facebook measures to prevent suicide in Singapore” (2016, June 29). The New Paper.

“Will WhatsApp swing Bukit Batok” (2016, April 2). The Straits Times.

“Media sosial ‘tertutup’ lebih berpengaruh tentukan calon diundi (translated: “‘Closed’ social media influence in determining candidate votes”) (2016, January 29). Berita Harian, Singapore Press Holdings.

“Sejauh mana media sosial berkesan untuk sebar kebaikan” (translated: “The extent of social media’s effectiveness in spreading social benefits”) (2015, December 21). Berita Harian, Singapore Press Holdings.

“Dr Elmie: Kaitan sumber berpengaruh dengan berita palsu dorong pengguna mudah percaya” (translated: “Dr. Elmie: Misinformation related to credible sources lead users to believe in the misinformation”) (2018, October 3). Berita Harian, Singapore Press Holdings.

“Dr Elmie: Warga tua lebih sukar nilai kesahihan berita palsu berbanding golongan muda” (translated: “Dr Elmie: Older users find it harder to evaluate fake news compared to younger users”) (2019, July 7). Berita Harian, Singapore Press Holdings.