Environment and Climate

Building community resilience to climate risks

Principal Investigator: Olivia Jensen

The resilience of a community – its ability to respond and recover from setbacks and disasters – is influenced by its inherent characteristics that allow the system to absorb impacts and cope with an event, and by the presence of adaptive processes after the event which facilitate the ability of the social system to re-organise, change, and learn in response to a difficult or damaging event.

This project seeks to co-develop indicators of community resilience and evaluate an intervention of community-led design to manage flood risk and increase community resilience in Singapore.

IPUR partnered in a project with the Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) to assess community resilience to climate change and recommend strategies to develop resilience. One component of the project saw IPUR work with champions in the community to identify initiatives, launching a volunteer group to increase local knowledge around environmental sustainability, and design and implement roadside greening projects. CLC subsequently invited IPUR to act as academic advisor on “strategic communications and engagement for resilience”.