Environment and Climate

Appraising climate-related risks in Singapore and Thailand

Principal Investigator: Joost Buurman

To better understand how individual experts communicate with the public appraise climate-related risks, a qualitative-diagnostic approach is proposed to capture nuances in the understanding of “risk” in different professional and national cultures. The findings of this study are intended to inform the experimental designs for a larger, follow-up, on appraisal in risk communication.

Risk appraisal refers to the process of evaluating a risk, which might include gathering information and analysis, as well as cross-interpretation against beliefs, values and interests. The research team has experience in qualitative, survey and experimental research on risk perception and risk communication. With these core competencies the team is confident of being able to successfully complete within a year the proposed research which will help set the foundations for a larger, more ambitious, experimental studies.

findings of this study are intended to inform the experimental designs for a larger, follow-up, on appraisal in risk communication.