Our two newest interns shed insight on their experiences

The value of an internship goes beyond remuneration or simply the name of the company. At IPUR, we believe a well-structured internship should provided meaningful learning experiences and skills development which can go on to enhance education and careers. An internship at IPUR aims to provide hands-on experience into what risk communication is all about, […]

Upcoming workshop in 12th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium

IPUR is convening a workshop to understand the role of scientific information (and claims) in consumers’ risk perceptions, judgments, and decisions/choices. Titled “Consuming (and Communicating) Risk-Related Information for a Better World”, the workshop is part of the 12th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium held from 9-12 August, 2023, at the INSEAD Campus, in Fontainebleau, France. IPUR […]

Using batik art to convey risk-related trends across 200 years

A collage of batik themes depicting risk-related topics mentioned in popular written media published from 1810-2009. Have you ever come across a piece of literature or academic publication which was too intimidating or difficult to engage with? Or a series of figures, formulas and charts which you could not interpret?  Besides conventional methods such the […]

Upcoming workshop on how to be more carbon friendly

As a city limited by its small geographical size and lack of renewable energy resources, implementing the transition to meet the national climate target of net zero emissions by 2050 will require innovation and collective action. From investing in low-carbon technologies to forging global partnerships which support the development of infrastructure and carbon markets, Singapore […]

Risk Know-How Framework receives £1 million scale-up from Lloyd’s Register Foundation

Nearly £1 million (£918,070.00) has been pledged by global safety charity Lloyd’s Register Foundation to expand the influence and impact of the Risk Know-How framework – a body of best practice tools and resources that help people and communities navigate risks in their own contexts and make effective decisions. Responses to issues like unsafe food, […]

New leadership appointments at IPUR

Prof Koh Chan Ghee (left) will hand over the IPUR directorship to Prof Leonard Lee from 1 July 2023. Dr Olivia Jensen will be appointed as the new Deupty Director. From 1 July 2023, the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk will witness leadership renewals. Professor Koh Chan Ghee will hand […]

Panel sessions and symposium at SRA Europe

Across the four-day Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) conference, IPUR took part in two parallel sessions and a symposium on pertinent risk topics. From dimensions of risk perceptions to public attitudes towards net zero, the presentations and discussions were a timely opportunity to receive new insights and views from participants to further shape research projects […]

Seminar: How AI can support better human decision making

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5IXEvAaj8o&t=513s Interpretable machine learning can provide addition ways for a user to understand and interact with an AI. However, transparency for the main purpose of oversight is closely needed in order to best support the human and AI interaction, and human decision making process. This was of one of the key points  by Prof Finale […]

Helping the public understand health risks better

The IPUR team with health experts during the workshop on 4 July. As part of our work on Project Wavelength, IPUR is organising a series of workshops with experts to discuss issues relating to pertinent risk topics. On 4 July, IPUR held one such interactive workshop on “health risk perception gaps” featuring a facilitated discussion […]