Prof Richard Clegg

Prof Richard Clegg

Lloyd’s Register Foundation, Former Chief Executive,

We focus on the most pressing global safety challenges and enhance the safety of life and property at sea, on land, and in the air. We do this by supporting high quality research, accelerating technology to application, and through education and public outreach. Our unique structure comes from the fact that we own a significant trading company, Lloyd’s Register Group. We share the same mission and work together to make the world a safer place.

‘People and Places’, our Impact Review for 2020, demonstrates how we’re making the world safer. It explores the places where our work is having an impact, and highlights the people who are delivering our goal of advancing the safety of people and property across the world.

2020 was a year of dramatic and long-lasting changes to the way society operates. Driven by Covid-19, human behaviours, systems and processes, ways of working, and how we understand and perceive risk have been transformed – quite possibly forever.

Yet, despite the tragedies created by the pandemic, 2020 was also a year of significant learning. Our global grants community reacted in pioneering and innovative ways, creating new interventions to protect communities – harnessing science and technology to inform pandemic responses, while reinventing ways of working to continue making the world a safer place.

With this in mind, I’m proud to introduce ‘People and Places’, our Impact Review for 2020. This book celebrates the incredible achievements of the people and projects we have supported in the last 12 months, and provides a small snapshot of the enormous progress made in advancing public safety.

As a global charity, we aim to identify safety challenges wherever they exist, seeking out willing collaborators who share our strong social purpose and then building coalitions that deliver long-term impact for people and property across the planet.

The stories featured in this review are shining examples of our charitable mission in practice. The individuals and projects featured are truly remarkable success stories of how we can work together to improve and enrich our world. On behalf of the Foundation, I’d like to extend my thanks to the photographers, writers and individuals who made this project possible.

We hope you enjoy reading these stories – and that they inspire you to work with us and support our mission to make the world a safer place.