Danny Quah

Prof Danny Quah is Li Ka Shing Professor in Economics and Dean at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. His research interests lie in income inequality, economic growth, and international economic relations. Prof Quah’s work takes an economic approach to world order – focusing on global power shift and the rise of the […]

Khoo Teng Chye

Prof Khoo Teng Chye is a Practice Professor jointly with the NUS Faculty of Engineering and the School of Design and Environment. He was the Executive Director for the Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC), Ministry of National Development (MND), Singapore, since 2010 till December this year, and continues to be a Fellow at CLC. He […]

Heidi Larson

Prof Heidi Larson is an anthropologist and Director of The Vaccine Confidence Project (VCP). She previously headed Global Immunisation Communication at UNICEF, chaired GAVI’s Advocacy Task Force, and served on the WHO SAGE Working Group on vaccine hesitancy. The VCP is a WHO Centre of Excellence on addressing Vaccine Hesitancy. Prof Larson’s research focuses on […]

Peng Zongchao

Prof Peng Zongchao’s main areas of research include Crisis Management, Public Administration, Public Policy Analysis, Comparative Political Science and Election System. He has taught both graduate and undergraduate courses, including Public Crisis Management and Policy-making, Traditional Theories and Practices of Governing a Country in China’s History, Public Policy Analysis, The Operation of China’s Government and […]

Paul Slovic

Dr Paul Slovic studies judgment and decision processes with an emphasis on decision making under conditions of risk. His work examines fundamental issues such as the influence of affect on judgments and decisions. He also studies the factors that underlie perceptions of risk and attempts to assess the importance of these perceptions for the management […]

Francis Ghesquiere

Francis Ghesquiere is the Practice Manager for the World Bank East Asia and Pacific Region, where he supervises the portfolio of Urban Development and Disaster Risk Management for China, Mongolia, Vietnam and Philippines. He has been working for the World Bank since the year 2000, and is known for his leadership on several flagship initiatives, […]

Yukari Takamura

Yukari Takamura is Professor at the Institute for Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo. After receiving Master of Laws (Public International Law) from Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, she was appointed Associate Professor at Shizuoka University. Before joining the University of Tokyo in 2018, she worked as Professor at Ryukoku University, Kyoto, and Professor at Nagoya University, Japan. […]

Lisa Robinson

Lisa Robinson is the Head of Advisory & Policy at BBC Media Action. She advises on creative media and communication strategies to influence change at scale. Climate change, disaster risk reduction, and emergency response are areas she specialises in. Lisa leads a team of senior advisors addressing health, media development, governance, economic development, information disorder, […]

Lien We King

Lien We King is the Executive Director of Mothership, an online news website founded in August 2013 that operates in Singapore.    

Leonard Lee

Leonard Lee is Director and Lloyd’s Register Foundation Professor of Lloyd’s Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR), and Professor of Marketing at NUS Business School, National University of Singapore (NUS). Before joining NUS in 2014, he was an Associate Professor of Marketing at Columbia Business School where he spent the first […]