Data and Technology

Technological risk perception and competency in the built environment

Principal Investigator: Hwang Bon-Gan

Disruptive technologies that have been introduced and adopted since the era of the 4th industrial revolution are now influencing almost all industries, and the built environment sector would not be an exception, adopting some of the technologies (AI, AR/VR, Machine/Deep Learning, etc). However, the built environment sector has been recognised as a laggard in technology adoption, due mainly to the perceived risks associated with “New Technology Adoption”.

As perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are found to affect an individual’s technology adoption, this proposed research aims to establish the concept of technological competency and assess its relationship with technological risk perception.

The findings of this research will identify the technological risk perception gap and propose suitable risk communication strategies to reduce the gap, which will contribute to the increase of technological competency of individuals and thus the industry. 

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