

A data-driven approach
in understanding our
transportation choices



To raise awareness on the severity of climate change


To challenge peoples’ perception of climate risk and highlight the actual risk and severity of climate change


To encourage individual action in the fight against climate change


Climate change has caused the Earth to become warmer and warmer – an effect we feel everyday as we complain about the heat and humidity. Not only that, climate change also causes the warming of the ocean, shrinking ice sheets, sea level rise and ocean acidification¹. As a low-lying island city, Singapore is especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. With more frequent and intense rainfall events, mean sea level may rise up to 1 metre by 2100, resulting in more flash².

Transport accounts for around one-fifth of global carbon dioxide emissions³. Passenger vehicles (cars, motorcycles, buses, and taxis) and freight trucks contribute to around 45% and 30% of transport emissions respectively. Aviation and shipping each account for about 11% of transport emissions while rail travel and freight account for 1% of transport emissions.

Follow Paula on this journey to find out about the impact of your transport choices and what you can do to reduce your impact. With more awareness of the impacts of our transport choices, we can make better choices to reduce our carbon footprint thereby helping to ease the impacts of climate change Let us begin our journey this project.

1. NASA. (n.d.) Climate Change: How Do We Know?
2. NASA. (n.d.) The effects of Climate Change.
3. Our World in Data. (2020). Cars, planes, trains: where do CO2 emissions from transport come from?

The Team

Hi, I’m Enwei. A final year Life Sciences undergraduate from NUS Faculty of Science. I appreciate simple and intuitive data visualisation and I hope that such imagery can effectively communicate scientific data.

Hi, I’m Yuki. A final year in Life Sciences from the NUS Faculty of Science. I love conveying a story and deriving insights from research.

Hi, I’m Wellace. A recent graduate in Statistics from NUS Faculty of Science. I believe that one’s conscious and deliberate intention can make a huge difference in the world.

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