


Our Work



Promoting growth mindsets: a new pathway to supporting individuals with Type 2 Diabetes
Individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) are more likely to exhibit lower growth mindsets and less self-efficacy towards their blood glucose compared to those without T2D, according to a recent...
Helping financially vulnerable individuals make more judicious medical decisions
Given the increasing practice of patient engagement in joint medical decision-making, this project focuses on how patients’ financial constraints affect their decision-making about medical treatments, namely preference between an aggressive...
Understand the cardiorespiratory health impact of secondhand smoke in Singapore
Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure is a longstanding public health threat. In 2019, global estimated deaths from household air pollution accounted for 2.3 million out of 6.7 million total air pollution...
Using a game to induce resilience against fake news
This workshop, presented by Dr Catherine Wong, highlights the key findings from a pilot study titled “Inoculation against fake news? An experiment using a fake news game on COVID-19 vaccines”....
Legacy Planning: Understanding the Landscape and Barriers Surrounding Will Writing, CPF Nominations and the Lasting Power of Attorney in Singapore
The adage that “nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” stands in perplexity to the hesitation surrounding legacy planning. Launched during a pandemic era where mortality...
Health Innovation Programme (HIP) Behavioural Science in Chronic Disease Management: Understanding the Health and Non-Health Beliefs of People with Diabetes
prevalence of diabetes presents a troubling landscape with nearly one in ten adults diagnosed with this chronic disease worldwide. Although interventions may reduce the risk of diabetes-associated complications, the effectiveness...