IPUR Seed Grant



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IPUR Seed Grant

The LRF Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR) is launching its annual seed grant call for proposals on 27 October 2023. IPUR’s current research effort spans across three main areas: Data and Technology, Environment and Climate and Health and Lifestyle.

To support projects in the articulation of findings, insights and pathways to impact, S$5,000 of the funding will be allocated towards the development of an outreach component. Examples of outreach component(s) may include:

  1. Data visualisation
  2. Infographic
  3. Video story
  4. Media commentary
  5. Workshop or seminar

Seed grant proposals are invited in the three research areas articulated above, including (but not limited to) the following themes:

  • Risk perception and communication in the Asian context
  • Risks from emerging technologies, e.g., generative AI
  • Tools for and approaches to the public communication of risk by policymakers or firms
  • Tools and metrics for comparison and analysis of public risk perception
  • Dimensions and drivers of risk perception and risk perception gaps between publics and experts
  • Understanding and communicating risk in ageing societies
  • Understanding and communicating risks of the energy transition
  • Understanding and communicating medical risks
  • Understanding and communicating risks in coastal protection
  • Understanding and communicating risks relating to scams
  • Intersecting risks across domains

A timeline of key dates are as follows:

  • Call for proposal: 27 October 2023 (Friday)
  • Submission to Department: 15 December 2023 (Friday)
  • Proposal submission by Faculty/School to reach IPUR: 22 December 2023 (Friday), 4.00 pm
  • Commencement of Project: February 2024
Email jaredng1@nus.edu.sg should you require any further clarification.
Applications for the seed grant are now closed. Thank you for your interest.

Application deadline: 15 December to department, 22 December to IPUR (4pm)

Seed funding quantum: Up to $20,000
Project period: 1 year

Come partner with us and let us fund your next big idea. More details of the seed grant call and application can be accessed below: