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NEWS 7 December 2021
Risk know-how is about informed decision-making. Every risk entails a trade-off with the benefits and costs of action or inaction, which need to be weighed up to make a decision....
NEWS 22 September 2021
Humans make judgments and decisions under conditions of uncertainty all the time in their everyday lives. We may perceive situations as risky if we are not sure if the outcomes, especially...
NEWS 8 December 2020
In the last 12 months, the chances are you’ve received misinformation about COVID-19 through your social media accounts or messaging channels such as WhatsApp and WeChat. A study in Singapore...
NEWS 26 June 2020
If someone were to come up to you and ask, “What is the single, biggest worry in your life?” What would your response be? Finances? The environment? Or perhaps your...