Rumours, Myths and Misinformation – Why they stick in the world today and how to shift them

Join IPUR at this guest lecture by Prof Heidi Larson followed by a fireside chat with Lisa Robinson.

Event On: 23 September 2022

The rise of misinformation and the intention to deceive is challenging the way information and news is communicated. People’s consumption of (mis)information has spill over effects – influencing their attitudes and behaviours towards important topics such as COVID-19 and everyday lifestyle decisions.

In this seminar, Prof Heidi Larson, Founding Director of the Vaccine Confidence Project, will discuss why and how misinformation, myths and rumours proliferate and linger within society like a parasite. Beyond its negative impacts, the Professor of Anthropology, Risk and Decision Science will explore how society can become more resilient by tapping on valuable nuggets of truth which are spread along the (mis)information spread.

Prof Larson will be joined by Lisa Robinson, Head of Advisory & Policy at BBC Media Action, in a riveting fireside chat to discuss pertinent issues surrounding the causes and effects of misinformation. The chat will be moderated by Prof Yiyun Shou, IPUR Lead Scientist (Health and Lifestyle). Register here.