Co-Designing Technology and Policy for High-Risk Technologies

Event On: 06 June 2019

Since the Alpha-Go shock of March 2016, global public discourse on information technologies has taken a distinct turn. Although the last two decades have seen numerous political, economic or social changes sparked by digital technologies including globalization and the Arab Spring, the recent technological development driving the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is increasingly casting doubt on the human control over technologies that has been taken for granted since the modern times. This lecture discusses how emerging technologies making latest headlines – such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, autonomous vehicles, drones, blockchain, or virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR) – are portrayed in the popular media as well as policy documents, focusing on the ambivalent nature of public perceptions of high-risk technologies. Introducing the notion of co-designing of technology and policy as pioneered by the World Economic Forum, the lecture explores the possibility of agile governance of high-risk technologies with a few real-life examples of developing technological and policy solutions simultaneously to address uncertainties inherent in emerging technologies.

About the speaker

Prof So Young Kim is the Head of the Graduate School of Science & Technology Policy at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology). She graduated from Seoul National University with English Education for the BA and Political Science for the MA. She then earned her Ph.D. and M.S. from Northwestern University with Fulbright Scholarship specializing in International Political Economy and Mathematical Methods in Social Sciences. Her research deals with high-stake issues at the interface of S&T and public policy such as government R&D funding and evaluation, basic science policy, science advising, science & engineering workforce, science-based ODA, and global governance of emerging technologies. Her scholarly work includes publications in International Organization, Journal of Asian Survey, Science and Public Policy, Journal of Science & Technology Studies, and STI Policy Review as well as the edited volume of Science and Technology Policy: Theories and Issues and co-authored volume of the Spector of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Event details

Date: Thursday 6 June 2019

Time: 4.00 – 5.00 pm, refreshments will follow

Venue: Seminar Room (Level 1), Innovation 4.0, 3 Research Link, S117602

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