Does urban living equate to healthy living?

14 July 2021

Are you living in a highly urbanised environment? Do you long for walks in a park during a lockdown? Do you find it stressful when you are in a crowded train? Do you find it uncomfortable if there is too much noise or light at night while you are trying to sleep?

Chances are that most people will answer “yes” to at least one of these questions. Why is this the case? In this talk, Dr O Jiaqing (OJ), Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and Director of Postgraduate Studies (Psychology) Department of Psychology, Aberystwyth University, will discuss why urbanisation might present certain health risks and how we can attempt to mitigate those risks, based on current scientific evidence.

Dr Jiaqing O (OJ) is an evolutionary-minded, clinically-trained researcher who is profoundly involved in examining the kinds of (and potential solutions for some of the) modern-day health and wellbeing risks deriving from the interactions between humans and their physical and social environment from a multifaceted evolutionary perspective.

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