Using batik art to convey risk-related trends across 200 years

A collage of batik themes depicting risk-related topics mentioned in popular written media published from 1810-2009. Have you ever come across a piece of literature or academic publication which was too intimidating or difficult to engage with? Or a series of figures, formulas and charts which you could not interpret?  Besides conventional methods such the […]

Upcoming workshop on how to be more carbon friendly

As a city limited by its small geographical size and lack of renewable energy resources, implementing the transition to meet the national climate target of net zero emissions by 2050 will require innovation and collective action. From investing in low-carbon technologies to forging global partnerships which support the development of infrastructure and carbon markets, Singapore […]

Panel sessions and symposium at SRA Europe

Across the four-day Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) conference, IPUR took part in two parallel sessions and a symposium on pertinent risk topics. From dimensions of risk perceptions to public attitudes towards net zero, the presentations and discussions were a timely opportunity to receive new insights and views from participants to further shape research projects […]

Workshop to bring together perspectives on the nature and role of experts

IPUR is organising a workshop to share and discuss perspectives on the nature and role of experts from the management science, public policy, psychology and other social science disciplines. Titled “Who are the experts? Crossing international perspectives from the social sciences”, the workshop is jointly organised by collaborators from the Paris-Panthéon-Assas University. It will be a […]

New study to understand people’s perceptions and attitudes towards net zero

IPUR is running a study to understand people’s perceptions and understanding of net zero. Findings and insights from the study will be used to guide risk communication interventions surrounding net zero, with the goal of supporting public policy and encouraging people to make lifestyle changes to reduce individual and household emissions. What is Net Zero […]

What I learned in my time at IPUR

From attending insightful and inspiring talks, participating in a symposium to learning about the different facets of risk communication, Jacqueline Kurz shares more about her time at IPUR working on a project with Leonard Lee looking at using the wisdom of the crowd to forecast health trends and outcomes for policymakers and practitioners. Read her full sharing here.  […]

Channeling our eco anxiety into impetus for action The effects of climate change may go beyond degradation of the planet’s health and natural resources. Beyond the visible and tangible environmental impacts such as more extreme weather, climate change has a deeper, unseen impact on people’s mental wellbeing. This phenomenon, known as “eco anxiety” or the chronic fear of impending environmental doom, has made […]

Turning eco anxiety into resilience and solidarity Many of us are aware of the damage that climate change is causing the Earth. We read and watch everyday in the media about the disasters and tragedies that take place around the world, and also hear about the climate issues that smaller communities in our grassroots or communities face. What may not be […]