How open data and gamification can make Singapore’s urban travel greener

19 September 2023

A recent commentary by Prof Leonard Lee (IPUR Director) and Assoc Prof Alberto Salvo (NUS Department of Economics)  suggested that the SimplyGo platform can be turned into an open-data platform that covers more than just public transit but rather all urban travel transactions. SimplyGo is a ticketing platform launched by the Land Transport Authority. It is an account-based ticketing platform which enables commuters to top up on-the-go. and view fares anytime.

Through the gamification of the consumer experience, the authors suggest that there are opportunities to educate the public on the carbon footprint of their urban travel choices as well as enable a system by which they can be incentivised for making greener choices.

Significant improvements could be made with such fintech innovation including:

  • Incentive Programmes: Fintech platforms can create incentive programmes that reward individuals for choosing greener transportation options. These incentives could include cashback rewards, discounts, or loyalty points for using public transit, carpooling, biking, or walking instead of driving private vehicles.
  • Integration of Transportation Services: Fintech platforms can integrate various transportation services into a single app or platform, offering users a seamless experience when planning and paying for their journeys. This can encourage multimodal transportation choices, such as combining biking with public transit, reducing the reliance on personal vehicles.

Perhaps most importantly, consumers would be more educated on their carbon footprint which can influence greener choices. Read the full article here